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About Us
We are puzzle people

Hi, we're Neha and Vishal, founders of Life of Puzzles 👋
One evening, completing a puzzle, we started discussing how our stack of puzzles was growing ever higher.
A few more months, and we'd have more puzzles than clothes!
We thought, there must be a better way.
Most people just complete a puzzle once and never revisit it.
We spoke to a few puzzler friends and arranged an organised swap between us all.
Slowly, this group grew and we realised we were onto something.
So we we created Life of Puzzles, a simple way to complete as many puzzles as you want, whilst staying guilt free about not creating more waste.
We launched a trial run in September 2021 and ran this for a few months with 20 puzzlers.
We officially launched in December 2021 and have had a huge amount of interest.
We're a friendly bunch and would be more than happy to help you with any questions you have.
Just get in touch with us:
Neha (operations lead):
Vishal (marketing lead):